3 Proven Prompts for '24 Planning to Boost Retention and Drive Growth 🚀

Uncover the Power of ChatGPT and Unlock Success!

Hey Entrepreneurs, Founders and GTM Leaders,

If your calendar isn't marked for December 6th at 11:00 Central, you're missing out on what could be a game-changing moment for your organization. The past 12 months have been a whirlwind of Open AI product releases, business disruption and new opportunities— it's been a ride.

There has been a question I keep getting asked over and over.

CEO’s and Leaders keep asking me, “How can I implement AI into my team?”

So, you spoke and I listened. Buckle up because I'm going LIVE.

🚀Presenting: "The Future of Sales: AI-Enhanced Strategies for 2x Growth"🚀

This isn't just another training. This is specifically for leadership so that you can not only Scale yourself, but also your team and your future.

There’s a cap on attendance—no exceptions. The most agile and ready-to-act Leaders are the ones who'll benefit the most.

If you’re someone who doesn't just wait for opportunities but creates them, if you're geared up to scale and speed up like never before, then don't waste another second.

👇 Secure your place at the forefront of sales evolution. 👇

Don't just aim to keep up. Aim to make history.

See you there,


Here’s what we got for you:

  • 💡3 Simple prompts you can leverage for 24 planning to reduce churn and increase upsells/expansion

  • 🛠️ Prompt SLAM!

  • 🎧 Weekly Podcast Updates 

  • 🤩 In the Aftermath of Closed-Door OpenAI Turmoil, Open Source AI Supported by Nvidia and Eric Schmidt Emerges as Potential Victor

  • 🤖OpenAI's Breakthrough: A Game-Changer That Nearly Unraveled Everything, Including ChatGPT

  • 🙌AI recreates clothing with 95.7% accuracy in breakthrough experiment

  • 😮Sports Illustrated reportedly published articles from fake AI authors

  • 🌟 Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses

🤖3 Simple prompts you can leverage for 24 planning to reduce churn and increase upsells/expansion.👇

List a template for tactics to reduce churn and increase retention among out top 20% accounts in the {INSERT VERTICAL} that include companies like {GIVE 3 COMPANY EXAMPLES}.

What monthly engagement rythym would you design to execute your the top 3 plans from your list above? Please be specific and actionable


🔥P.S. If you are a Revenue leader or Founder and are looking for help in implementing AI for you or your team, DM me.

🛠️Unleash Your AI Power: Prompts SLAM!


Crafting Sales Scripts

"I need a sales script that speaks directly to [INSERT TARGET AUDIENCE], using [INSERT TONE] language and emphasizing the [INSERT TOP 3 PRODUCT/SERVICE FEATURES]. The script should address common objections such as [INSERT COMMON OBJECTION 1], [INSERT COMMON OBJECTION 2], and [INSERT COMMON OBJECTION 3]."


Engage New Hires

"What would be a good message to welcome a new hire to the [specific Company type and details] team and provide them with a brief overview of our company culture, values, and goals?"


Offer Letter Automation

"Please create an offer letter for a [position title] role with a salary of [salary amount] and start date of [start date]. The benefits include [list of benefits]. The job location is [location]. Also, include a brief company overview that does [company details]."


SMS Marketing

"Generate an SMS to invite customers to a special [event/sale], mentioning the date, time, and location and how they can benefit from attending."

TIP: Generate Responses Swiftly, Even Without Prompt Changes. Unexpected Variations May Emerge, with the Second Attempt Proving Most Fruitful.

🙌This week's podcast episodes...

Photo: Getty Images / Bloomberg

Salesforce, Qualcomm, Nvidia and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt are pouring investment into open source AI startups including Hugging Face and Mistral AI.

The OpenAI saga has reached a resolution, with Sam Altman reinstated as CEO and a new board, but it has shaken up the market and caused a reassessment of relying on a single, proprietary service for generative AI competitive leverage.

Hugging Face counts more than 2 million users, 400,000 models and 77,000 data sets, with IBM and AWS among its customers.

OpenAI, amidst recent leadership changes and internal disruptions, appears to have made a breakthrough in Generative AI, raising concerns about the potential development of 'superintelligence.' This revelation, following the firing and rehiring of CEO Sam Altman, suggests the company is now contending with the profound implications of this advancement for humanity. The concept of 'superintelligence' involves AI surpassing human intelligence, posing significant risks if not properly controlled.

  • AI's influence on daily life and productivity continues to grow.

  • A successful experiment, named Sewformer, showcases AI's ability to recreate clothing from a single image with a remarkable 95.7% success rate.

  • The two-stage AI system was trained on 1 million images of garments, enabling it to deconstruct clothing, understand part connections, and replicate patterns.

  • The potential application extends to virtual reality and the metaverse, allowing developers to digitally recreate and market real-world clothing.

  • The study on this experiment is accessible on the preprint server arXiv.

  • AI-made clothing could revolutionize virtual fashion, enabling users to recreate and trade digital versions of real-world garments.

  • Possibilities include using AI to replicate and modify clothing designs based on photos, opening avenues for creativity and innovation in the fashion industry.

Photo: The Verge

Sports Illustrated published articles that were attributed to fake AI-generated authors, according to reporting by Futurism. The authors include “Drew Ortiz,” who’s “spent much of his life outdoors,” and “Sora Tanaka,” who is “a fitness guru, and loves to try different foods and drinks.

  • Developers and non-technical business users will be able to ask questions of Amazon Q, which can be connected to a variety of business software tools.

  • The tool will start at $20 per person per month, but many of its capabilities are available now through a preview.

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